Panui Pukapuka/Korero
Te Wiki Tuatahi mo te Wahanga Tuawha 2017
Duration: 17/24 Oct 2017
Roopu Miharo
Anthony, Jonas, Letisha, Kura, Harmony, Tuishaly, Heaven,Tumanako
Korero mo te Pukapuka:
(click on the link below to read the story about Hemi)
Te Kaupapa Nui
E kii ana nga moemoea a Hemi. Ka huri ia ki te ono tau.
Panuihia te katoa o te pukapuka. Titiro ki nga kupu me nga pikitia.
Korerohia nga moemoea a Hemi
Korerohia nga whakautu mo tona whanau
Nga Patai/Korero
Ka hia nga tau a Hemi?
E kii ana moemoea ka noho ia hei aha
I tana korerotanga i ana moemoea ki tona whanau ka kii ratou me aha ia
He aha pea te take i orite ai o ratou whakautu ki ai ia?
Reminder: Remember for every question (patai) asked your answer must begin with each word at the beginning of each question.
O Whakaaro me o whakautu ki tenei pukapuka:
(Write your thoughts and answers about this story)
Words I Know from the story
Nga kupu
Te Maramatanga
Ka noho a Hemi
Hemi sat down
Mangu katoa
All blacks
Oku whakautu ki nga patai?
Ka ono ona tau a Hemi.
E kii ana nga moemoea a Hemi
KA huri ia ka te ona tau
He tamaiti Ka huri ia ki te ona tau
Oku whakaaro ki nga moemoea a Hemi
He whakaaro rangatira a Hemi, na te mea …..(finish off the sentence)
Nga Rarangi kupu i timata mo te kupu “Ka”
(Sentences I know that begin with the kupu ‘Ka’).
ka tu ahau
ka noho ahau
Ka titiro ahau
ka panui pukapuka ahau
ka mai te Whanau a Hemi
Te Rarangi Kupu “Kii”
Kii mai te Whanau a Hemi
Kii mai nga tangata
Kii te puku a maori
Kii mai kii ahau he ahae te mea nui te ao
Te Rarangi Kupu ‘He’
He pukapuka enai
He turu tena
He raku tena
He aha tena
He aha te ra
Te Rarangi kupu ‘I’
I kai ia
I haere ana kautou nga kura
I waitia hau inanahi
I putupaoroua hau inanahi
I ki te mai hau akoe
Who would you recommend this story to and why?
Write about the positives and some of what you regard as somewhat difficult to understand.
Make special mention of Hemi and how his ‘Matua Tupuna’ gave him expert advice.
E pai ana ahau ki tenei pukapuka na te mea
Ko Hemi te tamaiti tino aroha ki ona moemoea.
Kii mai ona whanau ki ai ia ‘he whakaaro rangatira tena e tamaiti engari e haere koe ki te kura apopo.
Korerohia Te Reo
Te Kaupapa Nui
E ako ana ahau ki te rarangi kupu ‘I te…’
Click on the link below and go to Episode 1/2/3/4 of Te Reo
Whakarongo mai ki nga ‘Rarangi Korero’
Remember the sentences and use each one to test yourself and then a buddy from your roopu.
Finally, test yourself in front of your kaiako.
You will be assessed for your knowledge and confidence.
I suggest you make up a table for each sentence you have heard, that or cue cards, or a slide show or ‘explain everything’ using pictures and the kupu from the te reo series 1.
Te Wiki Tuarua - 24 o Whiringa-nuku 2017
Duration: 24-30 Whiringa-nuku 2017
Korero mo te pukapuka:
Click on the link below to find out about Nga Hu o Tane Potiki
Te Kaupapa Nui
Ka hiahia a Tane Potiki ki te kuhu atu ki nga huo tona whanau. Ahakoa rahi ahakoa iti ka hiahia a Tane Potiki ki aua hu
Panuihia te katoa o te pukapuka. Titiro ki nga kupu me nga pikitia.
Korerohia nga hiahia o Tane Potiki
Korerohia nga kemu hakinakina pai mona
Nga Patai/Korero
1. Nò wai ngà hù pìrangi ai a Tàne-Pòtiki ki te mau?
2. He aha i kore ai e roa tàna mau i ngà hù o tòna matua ?
3. Ko ngà aha òna tino hù
4. He aha tòna whànau i whakaae ai kia mau ia i ò ràtou hù he potiki ia o te whanau
5. He aha te take pea i pèrà ai tòna kaha pìrangi ki te mau i ngà hù o ètahi atu?
Reminder: Remember for every question (patai) asked your answer must begin with each word at the beginning of each question.
O Whakaaro me o whakautu ki tenei pukapuka:
(Write your thoughts and answers about this story)
Words I don’t Know from the story
Nga kupu
Te Maramatanga
Ahakoa rahi
Manawa reka
Oku whakautu ki nga patai?
1.A tane potiki ke te mau.
2.he wa iti noiho. nga pikitia ana ia
4.ko te takoro ana ona ie kia kaha matau
5.he hu ataahua no e tahi atu ara ko ena tuahene o tona papa.
Oku whakaaro ki nga hu me tenei tamaiti ko Tane Potiki
(Write your thoughts about Tane Potiki and why he thinks its so important that he should wear the ‘Special Shoes’
Ko te potiki o tenei whanau
Nana nei i hiahia ki te mau atu
I nga tu o tona whanau
Tokotoru ona tuahine
Tokotoru ona tungane
E pai ana tenei pukapuka ki ahau
Na te mea ko tane te pai tino rika
Nga Rarangi kupu i timata mo te kupu “No”
(Sentences I know that begin with the kupu ‘Ka’).
Te Rarangi Kupu “Ko”
Te Rarangi Kupu ‘He’
1.he pukapuka ana ia nga tane
Who would you recommend this story to and why?
Write about the positives and some of what you regard as somewhat difficult to understand.
E pai ana ahau ki tenei pukapuka na te mea…
(I liked this book because…)
Ko Tane Potiki te tamaiti tino ……(Tane Potiki was the boy that was very….)
Toko… ona tau...
Korerohia Te Reo
Te Kaupapa Nui
E ako ana ahau ki te rarangi kupu “Kei a wai te?”
Click on the link below and go to Episode 6/7/8 of Te Reo
Whakarongo mai ki nga ‘Rarangi Korero’
Remember the sentences and use each one to test yourself and then a buddy from your roopu.
Finally, test yourself in front of your kaiako.
You will be assessed for your knowledge and confidence.
I suggest you make up a table for each sentence you have heard, that or cue cards, or a slide show or ‘explain everything’ using pictures and the kupu from the te reo series 1.