Thursday, 3 August 2017

Im my Te reo maori group WALT: make a video to show out Teina in rooms 2 and 3...

Kia Mau Kapa Haka

What is kapa haka?
Kapa Haka is an avenue for maori people to express and showcase their heritage and cultural Polynesian Identity through song and dance. Kapa Haka literally means to Form a line (Kapa) and dance (Haka)
What is kaea?
A kaea is a leader which means the kaea has to lead each song that is sang for kapa haka.
What are the commands?
Hope, kiraro, Hikoi, E noho, whakapiri, Wehe atu, Kia Mau, waewae takahia
What are the type of actions that the girls do?
Pukana, Wiriwiri, Pipi shuffle, Poi, Titi torea
What are the type of actions that the boys do?
Pukana, Wero, Arero, Haka,
Why is the guitarist
Important in kapa haka?
Keep the rhythm.
Stick on same page. (Know actions, words etc…)
Based on our waka hoe.
E.G(A.A.K.K.M.M.R.T.T.W.W.W) that’s the waka hoe acronym.
Harmony: Ko nga taonga o nga tupuna ko te tikana o nga waka hoe no te kura nei O Tautoro…. Tahi, Rua, Toru, Wha

Scean 1:
:kia ora Koutou Katoa.
:welcome to our kapa haka show

Letisha: Anei nga waka hoe o te Kura O Tautoro
Tumanako: Titiro whakarongo ki tenei waiata

E ako ana matou
Aroha kaitiaki ki ahau
Kia kaha tatou
He kaitiakitanga tatou
Ko te mana kei roto ia koe
Ki mai ko te whanau katoa
Kia mau ki nga taonga
Kia mau ki nga waka hoe
Kia Kaha mo to maoritanga
To whakapono ki to taha wairua
Kia mau, ki kaha, kia u
Ko tatou katoa e
ko tenei nga waka hoe o te Kura O Tautoro e

IALT: use this song and to understand what it means to me.

  • Ko whai kaharau?
           The first wife was Hawaiiki and rahiri said to her dot weather our fest

  • How did our tupuna influence the making of Ngapuhi

  • (Homework) Ask at home who knows this Moteatea?

Ka noho mai Kaharau

Ka noho mai kaharau
I roto o Hokianga whakapau karakia
Ka tukua mai ra tana manu aute
Tuhoronuku ei
Ki roto i an te riu o Taiamai
Ki te rapu kainga
Mo ana uri maha e i

Ka piki taku manu
Ka tiu tau manu
Ka hoka taku manu
Ka whakatopatopa i runga
O te pa Opakinga
Ka tau ki te take o Puketona
I raro i te pa o Pakinga ei

Ka kata nga puriri o Taiamai
Tona ukuinga ko parawhenua mea
Nga taumata nohoanga
Te uri Taniwha o Ngati Rahiri,
Ngapuhi Nui Tonu e

Tu mai ra whakarongorua
Whakarongo ra ki nga tai e rua
Ko te taitamatea i te uru
Ko te taitamawahine i te rawhiti
Ko te ripo haranui i waho o Mapuna

Ko te tai herehere riri i pikopiko i whiti e i

This is one of our schools songs (part 2) WALT: say it in english and in maori.

Anei matou te kura _ Tautoro
Here our school _ Tautoro
Te kura o takiwa o Rahiri
The school district and genealogy
E mihi ki a koutou
Thanks to you
Tena koutou, Tena koutou katoa
But you, but you
Karanga mai te kura o Tai tokerau
Call the school of North
Nga mihi hoki ki nga Kura o kaikohekohe
Thanks for the School Kaikohe
Nau mai, haere mai

Welcome, welcome

WALT: do Algebra in our classroom and WALT: figure out what the answers are as well...

Adjective anglesImage result for Adjective angles
adjacent angles. two angles having the same vertex and having a common side between them
Corresponding anglesImage result for Corresponding angles
the angles which occupy the same relative position at each intersection where a straight line crosses two others. If the two lines are parallel, the corresponding angles are equal
Alternative anglesImage result for Alternative angles
Alternate Interior Angles. When two lines are crossed by another line (called the Transversal): The pairs of angles on opposite sides of the transversal but inside the two lines are called Alternate Interior Angles
Acuate anglesImage result for Acute angles
An acute angle ("acute" meaning "sharp") is an angle smaller than a right angle (it is less than 90 degrees and more than 0 degrees).If you choose the larger angle you. ... The smaller angle is an Acute Angle, but the larger angle is a Reflex Angle. Acute angles are the smallest types of angles
Right anglesImage result for Right angles
an angle of 90°, as in a corner of a square, or formed by dividing a circle into quarters.
Obtuse anglesImage result for Obtuse angles
An obtuse angle is any angle larger than 90 degrees. In other words, if the angle formed where two line segments meet goes beyond a right angle, it's obtuse.
Complementary angles
Image result for Complementary angles
either of two angles whose sum is 90°.
Vertical angles Image result for Vertical angles
each of the pairs of opposite angles made by two intersecting lines.
Angles around a point Image result for Angles around a point
Angles around a point will always add up to 360 degrees. Because of this, we can find an unknown angle
Sum of angles inside a triangle Image result for Sum of angles inside a triangle

In a Euclidean space, the sum of measures of these three angles of any triangle is invariably equal to the straight angle, also expressed as 180°, π radians, two right angles, or a half-turn
Base of angles of an isosceles Image result for Base of angles of an isosceles
In isosceles triangle RST, angle S is the vertex angle. Base angles R and T both measure 64 degrees        
Supplementary angles add up toImage result for Supplementary angles add up to
Two Angles are Supplementary when they add up to 180 degrees. Notice that together they make a straight angle. But the angles don't have to be together.
Co- interior angles always add up to Image result for Co- interior angles always add up to
When two lines are cut by a third line (transversal) co-interior angles are between the pair of lines on the same side of the transversal. If the lines are parallel the co-interior angles are supplementary (add up to 180 degrees)
The exterior angle of a triangle is always equal to the     
Image result for The exterior angle of a triangle is always equal to the
An exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the opposite interior angles. For more on this see Triangle external angle theorem. If the equivalent angle is taken at each vertex, the exterior angles always add to 360° In fact, this is true for any convex polygon, not just triangles
An isosceles triangle has_____ sides equal Image result for An isosceles triangle has_____ sides equal

An equilateral triangle has slates equalImage result for An equilateral triangle has slates equal
In geometry, an equilateral triangle is a triangle in which all three sides are equal. In the familiar Euclidean geometry,equilateral triangles are also equiangular; that is, all three internal angles are also congruent to each other and are each 60
Straight angle Image result for Straight angle
an angle of 180 degrees
Reflex angleImage result for Reflex angle
The reflex angle is the larger angle. It is more than 180 degrees but less than 360 degrees If you choose the smaller angle you might have an Acute Angle, or an Obtuse Angle instead: The larger angle is a Reflex Angle, but the smaller angle is an Acute Angle.
Revaluation angle Image result for Revolution angle
Revolution. more ... A 360 degree angle, a full rotation, a complete turn so it points back the same way.