Tuesday, 30 May 2017

This is my speech (I'm one of our class speakers) I hope you like this...

Waste Management.

1.  Do you want to know something that’s making me
sad and mad at the same time? Well I can tell you
that there is more than a million seabirds and mammals killed almost each year just by swallowing the plastic that we throw out.
4. After all, how can this one piece of trash
cause any harm to our environment?
Well, all this trash has to build up someplace
or another, most of this rubbish has been shipped over to different places and dumped some of it is put in the middle of our ocean. It's a garbage patch so big that the whole of New Zealand can fit into it twice.
2. Firstly,  I myself believe that pollution is a major threat all to our lands and rivers, this pollution is
accelerating the changeover of Pacific
communities towards consumer economies
and it is increasing itself in the international
trade. This is resulting in an escalation
in the generation of solid and liquid wastes,
and these increase the risk of coastal and marine pollution.
5.  Lastly, solid waste management. Until now, it has only been a social responsibility of the corporate world, however, in Mumbai (India) the improperly managed wastes generate 22,000 tonnes of toxic pollutants like, carbon monoxide, nitrous and sulfur oxides (sulfur oxide smells like NGAWHA) every year. These numbers are only for the city of Mumbai. This is the case in cities all across the developing world. There are numerous examples where groundwater is polluted by heavy metals and organic contaminants due to solid waste landfills.
3. Secondly, Most people are lazy and don't want to get up and find a trash can. They think that if they throw their cigarette out the car window and even spit their gum on the sidewalk instead of throwing them into a bin they would rather let other people step in it, some people would let a few napkins get carried away by the wind without caring one bit, some people will toss an empty plastic bottle in the gutter and make the road workers clean it up. My own mother is a road worker and she's picking up almost 10 to 15 bags full of rubbish a day.
6. I believe that if we can help to take down the amount of things that we have around and turn them into new and helpful things like a milk bottle you can turn that into a watering can and an old plastic bucket into a animal shower or a sprinkler. Anyway, you can still save our planet from pollution, it is to help keep the rubbish and turn it into new things. We can save more of the world than many people may think. If we all help to keep this world from destroying itself then maybe we will be able to live. My name is Tumanako Gray,thank you for listening to my speech.

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