Wednesday, 28 June 2017

WALT: use "na te mea" to describe why i feel this way

  1. I am happy because i'm going to Hamilton
     E harikoa ana ahau na te mea ka haere ahau ki Kirikiriroa.
  1. I am sad because i hurt my leg
    E pouri ana ahau na te mea e mamae ana toku waewae.
  1. I am sick because the weather is very cold
     E mauiui ana ahau na te mea he tino makariri te rangi.

  4. I am angry because im sick.
    E riri ana ahau na te mea he tino mauiui ahau.  

"Na te mea" means-(Because)

Do you know anything about Te Hokowhitu-a-tu? carry on reading if not...

WALT: write a reflection about what we did while at technology.


In Technology today we made casseroles, my working buddy was Seddon and we made a very good dish. I think that the most challenging thing was to make the whole casserole. I had no idea how to make a casserole and I didn't know what the right proportions were for it too. I made it look like it was from a restaurant, I also made the casserole with seddon. He made it look good and he made it all fun.


At Technology today we made mac and cheese, I thought that it was going to be hard to make but when I looked at the ingredients I changed my mind and thought I was able to do it. The most challenging part to this was mixing all of the vegetables  together and making sure that they are all mixed in. The most coolest part was getting to eat it all, and not share with anyone else. I had alot of fun making todays task it was fun to make and it was good to eat.
In Technology today we made a fettuccine pasta bake, instead of making a new recipe we copied the mac & cheese recipe. I had alot of fun making the Fettuccine, we made it look so cute like it as from a restaurant. My buddy lloyd put all of the toppings onto our Fettuccine then he put it into the oven. The most challenging thing Today was to collect all of the right ingredients and put them in at the right time. At the time I thought that I had some good and flavorful spices, When I put them into the Fettuccine instantly it smelt amazingly GOOD!! I had alot of people wanting to taste it but every time they tried to taste it I told them to go away.   
In technology today we made an apple turnover, we made it look like the most prettiest things ever and yet at the time we made a lot of mistakes. I think that the most challenging thing was making the pastry and also making the applesauce. I had alot of fun while making these and I enjoyed eating them too. It was the most nicest thing that I had ever tasted.

I made this as an explanation for what I wrote...Enjoy

WALT: create new foods at technology

I made this to show that I have been working while at technology
This took me 4 weeks to finish, I also have my reflection booklet as well... Enjoy

WALT: make our own and to gather info for our solar system

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

In our class the group of people I am working with are using this script to make composting video and we are also learning about making our own worm farm

Worm composting script

Group 1:
Characters: Keila, Letisha, Tumanako & Parehuia.

Voice over - Tumanako

Slater leader: Tumanako

Slater assistant: Parehuia
Keila & Letisha: Gardeners.

Leader Worm: Letisha

Worm assistant: Keila


Voice over: Hi Everyone, I’m here to teach you a simple thing that we can do to help each other and your gardening environment. Look there’s Keila and Letisha, they’re working in their garden.

Keila: hey what's that over there?...It looks like a...
Letisha: I think it’s a worm farm or something.

LETISHA / KEILA - Opens up box then looks in...

LEADER WORM: Welcome to the wonderful land of worms and composting.

Worm assistant: Compost!, Do you know what compost is?
Compost is when you put organic waste like - Food scraps, dead plants or shredded paper in a big pile and let them break down until it turns into a rich garden soil.

Keila: wow that sounds so cool!!

LEADER WORM: Did you know that when leaves fall off a tree the bugs like worms, spiders and snails eat the leafs and then the leaves break down into the soil, and the tree feeds upon it and the nutrients go back up onto the tree, then once spring comes the leaves that the worms, snails and spiders ate grow again, we call it nature's recycling system. Don’t you think thats AMAZING?!

Letisha: that is amazing!!

Worm assistant: Do you know why you shouldn’t bury your rubbish at home?
Well it is Because when you dig a hole in the ground and you put nappies, cans and bottles, all of the liquid from the rubbish will then drip to the bottom of the hole and it will create a toxic chemical called Leachate.

LEADER WORM: Yes that’s right!! The Leachate soaks the earth with this toxic chemical and sadly that where all the human bury their water pipes. These water pipes are buried in this toxic area and eventually the toxic will get into the human’s clean water supply.

Keila: Ohh that sounds awful because all the humans who will drink from this water supply will feel sick or worse… DIE!

letisha: WOW!! Now I know that we are making the water we drink unsafe.

Keila: YES! We need to tell somebody, because if we don’t then we may get sick, and we won't be able to go to school or garden.

Tumanako: HEY! I think you forgot about us, I mean we're here too, you know?…

Parehuia: Yeah, we help with this growing thing too. Yet we don't think they want to know that part…

ALL SLATERS: (laughing)

Parehuia: shhh let the worms speak about us, because we don't know that much.

Letisha: Thank you! I think you children might know a little bit about our friends and how they tend to help us with the growth and recycling of the plants.

Tumanako: we slater's eat the things that the worms cannot.

ALL WORMS: also did you know that us worms can eat up to 10x our own weight? Isn’t that CRAZY…

Tumanako: not even I can do that you're just trying to make them go WOW…

ALL WORMS: (frowns)

LEADER WORM: well these were fun facts….. Don't you think WORMS??


Tumanako: I think these are very good facts. DON’T YOU GARDENERS THINK THE SAME?

Gardeners: Yes We Totally agree

Keila: what else is there that we don't know about worms?

Letisha: Yeah I would love to find out more facts:

ALL WORMS: Parehuia- Here's a few more facts: Keila-Did you know that we worms have five hearts. Letisha- We breathe through our skin, Tumanako- We eat A LOT but have no teeth.

ALL WORMS: and most of all we love to wiggle and jiggle around in the garden!!!
(All worms WIGGLE and JIGGLE)

ALL SLATERS: (looking satisfied)

ENDING: Gardeners, Worms, slaters and voice over: EVERYONE let’s start composting and Let’s keep our environment safe.

We are learning how to make Manu Tukutuku in our class... the reason for this is to make something to represent Matariki.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

WALA: composting in our class

Lesson by Anouk. Thursday 8 June 2017

  1. Why do we have compost?
Because it helps to improve in our garden and helps our plants grow more efficiently.
  1. How many food gets wasted a year?
  • 1.3 billion people waste their food each year.
  • 21 million bread loafs get thrown away each year.
  • Did you know that you don’t put a banana with the rest of your fruit because it will ripen the fruit faster.
  • Don’t put a onion and potato together or else the potato will get to soft.
  • Don’t burn your plastic bag because when a huge cloud of smoke comes up that is a deadly poison.
  • If you inhale that poison you will grow with that chemical and you will get sick at the same time as you grow.
  1. Why you shouldn’t bury your rubbish at home?
Because when you dig a hole in the ground and you through like nappies, cans, bottles, all of the liquid drips to the bottom of the hole and creates a toxic chemical called Leachate and then it soaks into the ground and then there is usually water pipes are under the ground and the the toxic liquid slowly drips into our water we drink.
  1. Compost recipe:
  • Browns + Greens + Air + water=Compost
  • Decomposers
  • When leaves fall of the tree the bugs like worms, spiders etc, eat the leafs and then they leaves they ate go back up into the tree and then in spring the leaves that the worms and spiders ate turn back into leaves and that is called nature's recycling system.
  1. Types of compost.
  • Worm farm
  • Black bin
  • Japanese composter/Bokashi.
  1. Did you know that worms had 5 hearts?
  • When it is summer keep your worm farm under a tree or in a nice shady place. Because worms don't like being too hot or too cold.
  • Worms like News paper, cardboard, Banana skins, fruit, manure, food scraps and more but don’t give a worm a glossy paper/ flyer, and don’t give a worm  colorful paper.
  • Also don’t give worms chilli, garlic, lemons, Dairy products, such as cheese, yogurt, cream, Leeks, and don’t put chicken with your compost because you can attract mice and maggots.
Image result for compost
She played a song about compost.

  1. 300.000 x 1000 per year.
  2. Nearly HALF of your rubbish is usually organic waste.
  3. Our rubbish gets buried in a landfill, This is a hole in the in the ground, so if we put our food in the bin this is where it ends up….
  4. When organic waste like food or plants starts to break down in the landfill a polluted liquid is produced call LEACHATE., this is often toxic.
  5. Organic waste in a landfill also produces methane gas. Methane is a greenhouse grass.
  6. We can compost anything if the can biodegrade - (rot), we call this Organic waste.
  7. Composting puts important nutrients back into the soil.
  8. Decomposer are animals that help kell the leaves.
  9. Carbons” browns” - dry stuff. No ground weeds.
ClitellumImage result for bump on a worm
We need a mix of dead leaves, manure, etc to Improve our Soil! A mix of dead leaves, manure, etc.) returns valuable (vitamins, minerals,  to the soil to help maintain soil quality and life-creating ability.
Organic waste in a landfill also produces methane gas. Methane gas
Before you throw something into the scraps check what you are throwing in first.
There are A LOT of things you can compost -- and not just fruit and veggie scraps.  Tea bags, newspaper, lint and more.
You can make composting easier by just throwing anything compost-safe into your bin.
Composting can clean contaminated soil.
Some nappies can be composted.  Broody Chick has invented nappies that are able to rot  and breakdown in a compost bin.
Composting puts important nutrients into the soil.
Over 60 percent of what we put in our landfills is organic waste, such as food scraps. Lawn chopping, and paper, why would you do that when you could recycle that and compost that.
Worm composting, or vermicomposting, can be done inside.

Bad composting ingredients

  • woody plant clippings
  • synthetic fabrics
  • food scraps
  • meat or bones
  • diseased plant material
  • soil pests
  • weeds with seeds on
  • oil
  • whole eggs
  • dairy products
Good composting ingredients
  • shredded paper (not shiny magazines though!)
  • cotton and wool materials
  • tea bags
  • old plants
  • dead leaves
  • tops of perennial weeds
  • Lawn chopping
  • eggshells

In our class we talked about how the moa and if we should de-extinct it...